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  Xerox Canada Retiree Association 

 Who can become an XCRA member?

XCRA members include former employees of Xerox Canada who have retired or are currently on continuance. In 2022, we have added the category Alumni which include ex-Xerox Canada employees who have reached the minimum age of 55.

 Is every Xerox Canada retiree a member of XCRA?

No. Not every XCL retiree or their surviving spouse is a contributing member of the XCRA. Membership is optional. However, XCRA is both a social organization as well as one that champions retirees with Xerox Canada.

 Why is XCRA asking for monetary contributions?

Xerox Canada used to generously fund social activities for eligible retirees. Due to market conditions, they stopped doing so in 2018. While XCRA is a volunteer directed association, like any service organization, it does require operating funds to function successfully.

Aware of the diverse ability of retirees to pay, it was decided that contributions would remain voluntary, depriving no one of connection with other retirees and XCRA.

Thanks to the contributions received and good management of the funds, the group is in good financial health. You can consult the accounting details in the minutes of the  XCRA Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place every November. Videos of the AGM are online.

 What if I do not wish to contribute?

If you are an eligible Xerox Canada retiree, you will still be granted access to the MEMBER ONLY pages under the BASIC membership. Upgrading to a fee based membership to support the XCRA is optional. However, we encourage all members to support our organization which is entirely volunteer-based and we have recurring expenses that include the website license, the ZOOM license as well as in-memoriam donations we make when one of our members passes.

Therefore, all contributions are important for the maintenance of our operations.

How do I upgrade to a fee based membership?

Ensure you are logged into the system. Go to the top right hand corner of the page and login. Your user ID is the email we have on file. Enter your password. You will then be taken to the Member Profile page. Go to MEMBERSHIP LEVEL and click on CHANGE. 

For more detailed information, access the HELP page. Select Quick Start Video - Part 2.

 I've lost my password?

Simple! Click on the link located at the top right hand corner where it says LOGIN. Then select CHANGE PASSWORD. You will be prompted to change your password.

 I can't log in.

Your login ID is your EMAIL. For some members, their browsers are pre-filling their name and not their email.

 Some of my personal details have changed.

Once you have successfully logged in, you can go to your Member Profile page which is accessed in the box at the top right hand corner.  To change any information, click on EDIT PROFILE button and make your changes. Upon completion, click on the SAVE button at the bottom.

 My personal information is (is not) showing in the Member Directory.

As above, access your Member Profile page which is accessed in the box at the top right hand corner.  Click on MY DIRECTORY PROFILE. Click on PRIVACY.  Click on EDIT PROFILE. 

Right above the Details to Show table, there is a tickbox with Show Profile to Others. Due to privacy concerns, this is unchecked as the default. If you wish other XCRA members to see you, you must check this box. Once you do so, you will be able to determine which personal details you wish to share. 

For more detailed information, access the HELP page. Select Quick Start Video - Part 3. It is just under 2 minutes.

 How do I contact another member if they have decided not to list their personal email?

This feature is only available if XCRA members have enabled this feature in their Profile/Privacy settings.

Go to MEMBERS ONLY and then DIRECTORY. You can scroll through the listings or search by first or last name or region. If that member does not have their email address listed, click on their avatar (photo) and use the SEND MESSAGE box at the top of the page. This will generate an email to that member who may wish to (or not) respond back to you directly.

 I received the email from XCRA Membership to update my profile but I need help.

In the email you received from the XCRA Membership, there is a link to a PDF Quick Start Guide. The same guide is available in video format that will walk you through the same steps. To access, click HELP here.  If you still need assistance, contact us and we will do our best to assist you.

 I want to sign up for an Event

The Events page will list both virtual as well as local events (when possible). If the event is open and there is space available, you only need to click on REGISTER. A pop-up window with Event details will appear. If you want to appear on the "guest list", check on the Include name in public list of event registrants". Then click on Complete Registration. 

If you have successfully registered, you will receive an email with confirmation details.

 What forms of payment can I use with XCRA online service?

At this time, our credit card processing partner enables us to accept only MasterCard and Visa credit cards.

 There are no other forms of payment can I use with XCRA online service?

At this time, the preferred payment method is XCRA’s user friendly online credit card payment via secure portal. If this method is unacceptable, please contact us to make alternate arrangements.

 How do payments show up on my credit card statement?

Your online bill payment will appear on your credit card statement under the name of “XEROX CANADA RETIREE ASSO416-229-3769 ON”.

 I received an Error message.

If you received a Payment gateway error message or your card was declined, please confirm and reenter: Card #, expiry date and CVV code. If payment continues to fail contact your credit card provider.

 How secure is my personal information and my bill payment?

All transactions are processed through our secure payment portal and all data transactions are encrypted. Any personal information you enter (your name, address, credit card number, etc.) will be used only for the particular one-time transaction and will not be saved on the XCRA web site nor shared for any other purpose.

 Can you provide more details regarding XCRA payment privacy and security?

Data security and protection of sensitive card information have never been more important and XCRA has this awareness as prime objective while enabling an easy to use, integrated, cost-effective payment system for our members.

Our credit card payment feature is a secure encrypted portal served to XCRA web page. This portal is a protected online payment solution, managed by AffiniPay. XCRA never has to receive nor store sensitive credit card details. Cardholder information is SSL encrypted and entered into AffiniPay secure, PCI Level 1-certified card vault

 We chose AffiniPay as payment portal partner because

  1. the seamless integration into Wild Apricot, our Membership Management Software partner
  2. Built in industry benchmark PCI and data security features
  3. Very cost-effective credit card processing fees
  4. AffiniPay reputation for delivering secure payment portals supporting small associations

AffiniPay maintains strict controls throughout its infrastructure, application, people, and processes that provide a secure and safe environment for processing payments. All data is protected with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption, and AffiniPay follows all security measures required through PCI-DSS Compliance.

For more information, please see https://www.affinipayassociations.com/

 What if my payment was incorrect or I want to cancel the payment?

Please complete the online form at Member Contact as soon as possible. If you advise us on the same day the payment was made, we can void it entirely. If after 1 day, the charge will be reversed to your card and you should see it within 1-2 business days.

 I have ideas that would appeal to XCRA members. Who do I contact?

Feel free to send us any ideas you may have that would bring value to XCRA members. We can be reached by completing the Contact Us online form. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

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To contact the XCRA, click on the
CONTACT US button.  

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